Saturday, March 6, 2010
Moving to a new blogging home
I'll have completed my fourth year in my position with the Central/Western Maine Workforce Investment Board in August. Over that time, I've acquired a firsthand understanding about workforce development that comes from having boots on the ground. It's experiential, and at the risk of sounding boastful, it's an experience that few policymakers, politicians, and average citizens have. In my opinion, it's also an experience that has value to these three constituencies. Sadly, the first two groups often think they know best, even steeped in their ignorance. The third grouping, average citizens, often benefit from efforts by our local workforce board, and other partners that I have the privilege to work alongside.
This post is intended to let all of Working in Maine's readers know that I've reached the end of the line posting on this blog.
Technology continues to evolve and better platforms and social media tools are being rolled out faster and more frequently than ever. Because of that, and because I think anyone that's involved in the work that I do should be on the cutting edge of the communication revolution, I've decided to consolidate all of my blogging, including anything related to workforce development, at a new site that I've set up.
Posterous is a communications platform that I just discovered. What I love about it is that I can post directly from any email account, including my BlackBerry. This gives me the capacity to communicate information that requires more detail than Twitter, or even Facebook allows. What's especially cool about this, is that I can automatically send a link to both of these social media tools. I can communicate widely, while on the go, which is where I spend most of my work time.
What is a bit different with the new site, which I've titled, "Digital Doorway," is that you'll find other personal writing on topics wider than mere workforce issues. Part of this comes from a great deal of soul-searching and personal reflection I've been engaged in over the past few months, which allowed me to recognize that I've become too cautious in my writing out of fear of my opinions and ideas possibly alienating someone from my professional life.
I didn't begin getting serious about writing seven years ago in order to become cautious, or even a scribe for the status quo. Unfortunately, our culture and pressure to conform pushes all of us in directions that we don't always intend to tread.
All of this is to say that I hope regular readers of Working in Maine will migrate over to Digital Doorway for workforce-related posts and so much more. Additionally, I hope you'll check out my redesigned site at my personal url,, where I'll post my more "serious" writing, and much longer, narrative-driven styles of writing, some of which may eventually find their way to becoming part of a future book project.
Thanks for reading.
Jim Baumer
Saturday, February 13, 2010
WorkReady-from scratch to success
When I began this job in August, 2006, my position had a loosely defined job description, with my primary focus being coordination with the business community. I was tasked to build a bridge from the public, to the private side. Partly, this involves the skills necessary for successful business development, as well as communicating the need for businesses to support training, as well as other initiatives designed to enhance our regional workforce in Central/Western Maine (a five county region, which includes Androscoggin, Kennebec, Oxford, Franklin, and Somerset).
I could have easily spent months spinning my wheels trying to figure out the myriad of details of how our organization fit into the mix of the larger county, state, and federal workforce development mix. Instead, I determined to find a way to hit the ground running, and not look back. One fledgling program, at the time, a mere localized pilot called WorkReady, which had run one time before I was hired, stood out to me. I sensed that rolled into that Lewiston-based program, everything I needed to know about workforce development, the catalyst I needed to reach out to the business community, and the desire I had to take the lessons I had learned, and was continuing to learn in my own life regarding reinvention, and share it with others in search of something more, were gathered there. My intuition couldn’t have been more accurate. With the advantage of time and history, it amazes me how prescient I actually was.
More than three years later, WorkReady is now recognized as statewide program, guided by steering committee format, resting under the umbrella of Maine Adult Education.
While it’s easy for an outsider to view the program and laud its recent successes, the journey to this point hasn’t been without significant challenges. Funding has always been tough to come by for a variety of reasons. Much of our success in getting WorkReady to this point can be attributed to having the ability to leverage and marshal a variety of resources and often unexpected funding streams. It also has been a positive example of what can happen when the right kind of collaboration is brought together to target and carry out a worthwhile task with clear goals and outcomes.
None of this has been an accident. In order for a program like WorkReady, in its original state, to have arrived to where it sits today, someone had to have the vision and foresight to recognize that WorkReady’s future hope had to be built upon a grassroots model. It required a roll-up-your-sleeves approach, and willingness to do whatever was necessary to cultivate the qualities of on-the-ground community organizing. Fortunately for me, I came to my job with considerable experience in that area, built through my activist work I had been engaged in prior, as well as my own entrepreneurial background and experience. Many, if not all of the partnerships I cultivated three years ago, have paid dividends far beyond what I imagined at the time.
Yesterday, I was in Waterville, at yet another WorkReady graduation. The ceremony was held at the REM Center, downtown. This local nonprofit has a wonderful function room in the old Sterns Department Store where we’ve held each one of Waterville’s four graduation ceremonies in.

Twelve trainees were conferred a credential signifying that they had met each one of seven competencies, or standards required in order to graduate. This particular program, now 80 hours long, included the original 60 hour soft skills curriculum developed by Maine Adult Education, as well as an additional 20 hours of computer and technology enhancement. Normally, the training would take place over a four week period, which would be intense enough. This time, because of a variety of logistical constraints, had to be condensed even further, jam-packed into three weeks.
Adult Education programs deliver the curriculum, locally. Each director hires a facilitator, coordinates the classroom schedule, and in this case, also delivers the additional week of computer training. Both Lawrence Adult Education, in Fairfield, and Mid-Maine Regional Adult Community Education, which includes Waterville, Winslow, Oakland, and surrounding communities, have done a tremendous job partnering together, and delivering one of the better programs I’ve been associated with. Both Pat Theriault, in Fairfield, and Susan Tuthill at Mid-Maine have been instrumental in helping to coordinate our first truly regional program for WorkReady in the state.
My role is one of coordination. I help locate resources for funding, connect with business partners, draw upon my experience of shepherding the program from pilot status to one of the programs creating a “buzz” in the state—all of this gets to my point earlier—coordination is essential when you are working with a grassroots model. Without someone, or a couple of “someones” pushing things forward, the best laid of plans rarely move beyond mere idea, to boots on the ground, action.
I mentioned the funding piece. Initially, in order to get the program off the ground, a diverse group of community partners had to pony up resources. The Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce, the Central Maine Growth Council, KVCOG, as well as Coastal Enterprises, Inc., and the Central/Western Maine Workforce Investment Board paid for the first program in October of 2008. WorkReady was part of a larger workforce development strategy that Kim Lindlof/Mid-Maine Chamber, John Butera/Central Maine Growth Council, and Ken Young/KVCOG and others in the community were coordinating, all focused on a larger strategic vision for economic development.
In fact, I had a conversation with Butera after one of the first meetings I attended, to present the WorkReady concept to members of the Chamber. I remember his words, as they’ve stayed with me and I think helped crystallize my focus about what I deem important in my role as director of business services.
“Ten years ago, economic development was focused mainly on real estate and infrastructure,” said Butera. “Now, economic development leaders know that it’s all about workforce.”
For me, Butera’s point nailed it.
Since our initial two pilots in greater-Waterville, the program has been able to acquire additional funding from the United Way of Mid-Maine, through grants process connected to community impact funding.
Having acquired a grant in Lewiston, through the United Way of Androscoggin County to fund WorkReady in that community, I sought similar funding. Tina Chapman, president and CPO for the United Way of Mid-Maine indicated to me that they had a similar process in Kennebec/Somerset Counties. I put together an application and received $10,000 (of a requested $20,000 applied for), which has allowed us to focus on building sustainability in Waterville/Fairfield.
Despite our best efforts, the ability to offer the program twice each year was in jeopardy for January/February, however. KVCAP, one of our new WorkReady partners, indicated that they had ARRA funding through a Community Block Development Grant, coordinated with Maine DECD. This funding made the current program and yesterday’s graduation possible.
We’ve had high profile speakers for graduations before. Congressman Mike Michaud has attended ceremonies in Lewiston and Waterville. Jeff Fantine, director for Maine Adult Education was our keynote in Pittsfield, for our graduation we held for WorkReady involving laid off shoe workers from San Antonio Shoe.
Yesterday, John Richardson, former legislator and Maine House of Representatives House Speaker, and former DECD Commissioner, now current candidate for governor, delivered the commencement address to our graduates.
I’ve viewed Richardson from afar, and was well aware of the good work he’s done on behalf of the people of the state. As happens so often, I gained an entirely new level of respect yesterday, however, seeing him in person, and having a chance to get a read on the man behind the public persona. It impressed me to know that he felt our graduation was important enough to take time away from the rigors of running for high profile public office, to offer congratulations, and support to the efforts of 12 people who have chosen to take the important next step towards jobs and careers.

His talk was brief, but focused on elements of WorkReady, and he did a great job of tying these elements into the larger qualities that Maine has to capitalize on to succeed as a state. His four “ingredients for success” (my summary) were:
Maine/New England has some of the smartest people (born out by data and test scores), but who are often under, or in the case of our graduates, unemployed.
Mainers have a strong history working hard and the state is recognized for our work ethic.
Innovation/new ideas (he touched on how each graduate had embraced innovation in their own lives).
The importance of technology, in moving Maine forward.
As I listened to Richardson, and serving as the graduation MC, I reflected back on the various programs I’ve been directly responsible for coordinating—26 in all since September, 2006.
I looked out and saw my colleague, Paul Scalzone, from CEI. I reflected back on our initial conversations we had back in the fall of 2006, some just a few weeks into my job, as we considered strategies about how he and I could marshal resources and develop the necessary partnerships that would mutually benefit both of our efforts in the five counties of Central/Western Maine. It was an important lesson about staying true and steady and not wavering from your vision and values. My experience is that if you are able to do that, and build strong collaboration with other like-minded people and organizations, then you will taste success, and often, exceed your original goals.
I remembered my first contact I had with Kathleen Lewia, our gifted WorkReady facilitator, one of the most gifted educators I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing in action. We met at a Somerset Workforce Development Team meeting, in Skowhegan. Patte Bowman, director of MSAD #54 Adult Education in Skowhegan had introduced Kathleen to our group as the new WorkReady facilitator, who would be the instructor for Bowman’s first WorkReady pilot in Skowhegan.
Kathleen has been a mentor of sorts, to me. A professional motivational speaker, and multi-talented beyond mere instruction, she has been someone who has helped me hone my own skills, and seek resources, and push my own development in new directions at her urging. She also is one of the few people I know who provides the kind of honest feedback that all of us need to get better.
I’ve rarely spoken to a WorkReady graduate from one of Kathleen’s trainings who didn’t gush about her abilities, but more importantly, her genuine compassion, love, and passion that she pours into each one of her students.
Once in awhile, a program or initiative comes along that is a perfect match for its time—the WorkReady Credential Program, or simply, WorkReady, is that kind of a program.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
The finances of unemployment
This article, posted by Krystal Hicks on the Portland Examiner Job Search site gives great advice to anyone unemployed, but being offered a job, and whether, or not it makes financial sense about accepting a position.
What I like about the article by Hicks is that it ties in very well with the sentiment I'm hearing from employers. Many of the companies I talk to on a daily basis are indicating to me that long-term joblessness is not a positive quality in job applicants.
I'm not unsympathetic to the realities of the current economic/employment situation, and the continued lack of abundance of jobs. However, there are things that the unemployed can do to make themselves more employable. One of them is to seek out training programs, like WorkReady, connecting with their local Adult Education provider to upgrade their skills, or even volunteering--anything to demonstrate to an employer that you haven't lost your edge, and employability.
Speaking of WorkReady, there is an article in this morning's Morning Sentinel, about tomorrow's WorkReady graduation from our Fairfield/Waterville program.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Poverty scorecard

The Shriver Center's Poverty Scorecard compiles Congress's votes on 20 bills that have the most significant impact on the 40 million Americans living in poverty. The issues covered include economic recovery, health care, asset-building, housing, and climate change. The Scorecard shows that Congress did more to fight poverty in 2009 than in the two preceding years, and passed major anti-poverty initiatives that were signed into law by President Obama.
Maine's delegation scored well on the Center's Scorecard. You can see the results here.
Filter failure
Unfortunately, any variation on that response does a couple of things; 1) it identifies you as a dinosaur, and 2) you show that you are resistant to change and new ideas. Neither are positive in my book, and it also will visit obsolescence upon you if you hug that attitude too closely.
Information overload isn't a new phenomenom. It goes back centuries.
I love Clay Shirky's quote, — “It’s not information overload. It’s filter failure” —; Shirky indicates that there is a quote from Seneca back in the 4 BCE about there being, "too much information" to keep up with.
Come on folks; it's time to adapt with the times. Merely reading a newspaper, watching your local newscast, and relying on water cooler talk isn't enough to stay current today. Actually, willful ignorance has never served anyone well, particularly individuals that strive to be leaders.
I prefer Twitter right now. That may change as communication changes, which it inevitably will.
One Maine company doing a great job bringing along various organizations, particularly non-profits, helping them adapt to the new communications paradigm and social media is Encompass Marketing & Design, in Auburn.
My own embrace of new media, beyond blogging, has been gradual. I initially was resistent, particularly to the idea that one could communicate something meaningful in 140 characters. I've backed away from that, as I've found Twitter to be a great tool, or as Shirky would say, filter, sorting important information and keeping me updated on things that matter to me.
Friday, January 22, 2010
The Entrepreneurial Option
This past Tuesday, the Lewiston CareerCenter hosted yet another monthly Industry Information Tuesday. As has been our format for the past several months, an energetic and experienced panel was recruited, with the topic being, pursuing self-employment, entrepreneurship, and the pros and cons of starting your own business.
Panelists included an enthusiastic and successful local businessperson, Patti Gagne, of the Patti Gagne Agency, Inc., affiliated with Allstate Insurance, as well as Dante Vespignani, from The Entrepreneur’s Source, a business and franchise coach with a wealth of business and franchise experience. Another innovative local small businessperson, Barbara Lauze, spoke about the challenges and rewards of her home-based business, The Basket Case, which specializes in creative gift-giving solutions.
Rounding out our panel were two experienced business counselors, Rose Kreps, from AVCOG, who provides business services out of the agency’s Small Business Development Center, and John Sinclair, from Costal Enterprises, Inc. (CEI), another business resource similar to AVCOG/SBDC, providing one-on-one business consultation that’s tailored to meet the needs of the business owner, as well as training and workshops offered on a range of business issues.
A discussion about the qualities inherent in entrpreneurs--desire, positivity, commitment, patience and persistence--dovetailed nicely with an amazing resevoir of real life experiences represented by the members of our panel.
The 20 individuals attending, interested in exploring their options, got a chance to talk about their business ideas, ask questions, and hear about the realities faced in starting a business or accessing a franchise opportunity, and requirements and steps that entrepreneurs and small business people take to ensure success.
The Lewiston CareerCenter hosts Industry Information Tuesdays every month. The next one will be February 23 and focused on opportunities in construction.
For more information about how you can participate in one of these Tuesday events, contact the Lewiston CareerCenter at 753-9001.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Reading the tea leaves with Charlie
Attending Charlie Colgan’s annual prognostications at various venues across the state have become one of Maine’s mid-winter rituals for many leaders, both on the private and public side of things. Once again, Colgan was in Lewiston-Auburn for the Androscoggin County Chamber's January meeting, delivering “At the Edge of the Woods: The Great Recession and Beyond.”
Its interesting that one economist would develop such a devoted statewide following, not because economists aren’t well versed in their respective field of study, but because the general public rarely takes much interest in things like leading indicators, risk studies, and anything that smacks of science.
Colgan has managed to package his forecasts, some of them quite dire, by delivering them in his characteristically dry, but humorous way. And Chamber groups and other a audiences eat them up as eagerly as the high cholesterol breakfasts that are standard fare at these early morning business soirees.
In brief, bulleted form, here is the gist of Colgan’s forecast from this morning’s breakfast. This may be one of the quickest releases of that data you’ll find. For more on his talk, you will no doubt want to tune into this evening’s six o’clock news, and read about one of his many appearances in your local daily. Tomorrow’s Sun Journal will surely have it in narrative form.
- Are we out of the recession?
--partly; Maine’s economy is growing in output, but a full recovery is a few months away. - When will unemployment improve?
--job growth will resume mid-year; the growth will be there, but it will be weak. - How long will it take to recover?
--one year on the GDP side.
--two to three years on jobs. - What are the risks of Colgan’s forecast?
--50:50, he said meaning the odds are equal that he overshot, and consequently that the potential is that he is being overly pessimistic.
A few additional items from Colgan’s talk this morning:
- Coincident indicators are flat.
- Leading indicators are pointing upwards.
- The financial crisis has stabilized.
Job growth sectors for Maine?
- Education/health (Colgan said “this means healthcare.”)
- Business and professional services
- Leisure and hospitality
Other concerns:
The decade of the “naughts” put the brakes on over 50 years of decade by decade growth in jobs. For the decade 2000-2009, there was zero growth.
Colgan closed with an interesting observation, diverging from raw data and information, something most economists rarely do.
He referenced a book that is now over 25 years old, Lester Thoreau’s The Zero Sum Society: Distribution and the Possibilities of Economic Change.
Written during a period of acute economic stagnation in 1980, this bestseller discusses the human implications of economic problem solving and offers a classic set of recommendations about the best way to balance government stewardship of the economy and the free-market aspirations of upwardly mobile Americans.
Basically, Thoreau’s zero-sum premise states that for every positive economic gain that I might realize, someone consequently loses. Benefits must come from somewhere, as the economic pie is static.
I took Colgan’s implication of this to be that while the economic data (impersonal and based on set mechanisms, like supply and demand) points to recovery at some point, the human equation, and he mentioned politics, is rooted in the personal.
The idea of zero-sum loss, which is basically pessimistic in outlook, is affecting America in a way that is uncoupled from the economy. Colgan mentioned healthcare reform—initially, Americans supported it, but because of political efforts mainly from the right (my analysis), the polls now show that Americans believe that healthcare gains for some, will be taken from others.
Colgan wrapped up by saying that Maine’s economic future is based on Green and Blue; wood chips, wind, energy efficiency. The state’s prosperity is tied to our potential to be an environmental leader. This requires some profound changes in the way policy is made. It also requires sacrifices by all—potentially in a combination of both taxes and program cuts. I also think, and Colgan alluded to this—personal transformation.
Personally, I think we all need to look closely at our own values. Are we willing to do what’s necessary to move Maine forward? Transformation of a personal nature, something I’m familiar with, is something that we all need to consider.