Wednesday, April 15, 2009

LD 1450/HP 1006 update

Here is an update about LD 1450/HP 1006, and yesterday's testimony held before the Utilities and Energy Joint Committee, in Augusta. Much appreciation to the MidCoast Green Collaborative, for this, as I was unable to find any information in the local press.

The public hearing on the bill before the Utilities and Energy Joint Committee was held on Tuesday, April 14, the meeting ran over 4 hours which is unusual. There was ample support for the bill with more people prepared to testify in favor than the committee had time to hear, about 14 of 23 who came to speak. There was a clear majority of support in the room that was filled to capacity. There were a few who spoke against the bill, most notably a Central Maine Power lobbyist and a representative of big industry in Maine.

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